Our Dogs - Labradoodle Retirees
Let me introduce you to our retired breeders.
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Our Retirees:
Hale's My Lil Buddy (Ari)
Ari has a wavy, apricot cream, fleece coat. He is sweet, gentle and very patient with everything and everyone. He is honestly the perfect dog.
- Measurements: 18 inches at the shoulders, 35 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear by parentage
- OFA: Certified
- PennHip: .42 left .47 right
- Elbows: Normal (Certified)
- Patella: Normal (Certified)
- Thyroid: Normal

Aussie Doodles TMNT Raphael (Raphael)
Raph is a charmer. Sweet and gentle but loves to have fun. He had given me the most amazing red puppies. I wish I had another boy just like him. He is wonderful in every way.
- Measurements: 17 inches 25 lbs
- OFA: Fair
- PennHip: L.55 R.50 50th percent
- Elbows: OFA normal
- Patella: OFA certified normal
- Thyroid: OFA certified normal
JackNDoodle ranch's Country Boy (Blake)
Blake is such a good boy. He is sweet and gentle but loves to play also. He listens intently oh and he talks with his eyes. This boy can get whatever he wants with that little pout of his. He has the best of both worlds with his guardian mom and dad, he has a home and yard in NH and has a house on the lake in Maine. What a lucky boy. He also has children and adults in his life that he is sweet and gentle with. His dad Dan told me he also can detect health changes and reacts appropriately to it. I am so impressed with how wonderful this boy is. Bigger than I expected but still wonderful.
- Measurements: 35LBs 17 inches
- OFA: Fair
- PennHip: L.43 R.42 70%
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: Normal
- OFA Heart: OFA certified normal

Lola is a doll. She lives with her guardian mom and dad. Mom is in the picture with her. She also lives with her doodle brother Oliver and her other much larger canine brother Barnie. She is loved by Barnie. He cleans her and sleeps curled up next to her and she loves every minute of it. Lola is smart, sweet and a perfect little lady.
- Measurements: 16 1/2 inches 23 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear by parentage
- OFA: Fair
- PennHip: L.36 R.37 90th percent
- Elbows: Negative for dysplasia
- Patella: OFA Certified normal
- Thyroid: Certified Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: Clear by parentage

Maine's Coast Elegant Lady (Ella)
She is out of Maine Coasts Mya and my Ari (Hales My Lil Buddy). She is living in a guardian home in Massachusettes. SHe is wonderful. SHe is smart, playful, sweet and very tollerant of everything. SHe is not afraid of noises of any kind. Ella is a pure love and a great momma. I am so happy that her guardian family has decided to be a guardian again for one of Ellas girls. I cannot wait to watch Poppy grow.
- PRA/prcd: Clear VIa Parentage
- OFA: prelim Good
- PennHip: .29 L .41R
- Elbows: Negative for Dysplasia
- Patella: OFA Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Normal
- OFA Heart: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear via Parentage
Shelby Avenues Goes the Distance (Miles)
Miles is my boy. He loves to be in my lap and be the first to greet me in the morning. If Sookie is on my lap he will push his way in and try to steal my attention. He is a lover thru and thru. His coat is so soft and easy to manage. He has taken over being the man of the house. It is cute to watch him try and get Donovan's permission to do so. He crawls on his belly, with his butt in the air and does a summersault when he get really close. Donovan growls, but Miles doesn't care he still romps around him. Miles stole my heart the minute he arrived. Thank you Kristy (Shelby Doodles) for such and amazing boy.
- Measurements: 14 inches and 15 lbs
- OFA: Prelim Good
- PennHip: 70th percent .49 right and left
- Patella: OFA prelim Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal

Southern Maine's Kia Rose (Kia)
Kia is a sweet red charmer. Her coat is dark red, soft and wavy. She is surrounded by lots of men at her daddy's business and loves every minute of it. She likes to climb on things and look around at her is going on around her. She jumps high enough to kiss you on the cheek and does it everytime she sees me. She loves to ride in the car and loves most other dogs.
- Measurements: 17 lbs and about 15 inches at the shoulders.
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Fair
- PennHip: Not done
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal OFA certified
- Thyroid: OFA Certified Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: Clear Via parentage

Southern Maine's Amazing Grace (Grace)
Grace has a very soft, loose fleece, curly coat. She lives with her brother Moxi and their humans, Dan and Susie. She loves to cuddle and watch TV. Gracie really watches TV with her full attention - it is priceless to witness.
- Measurements: 16 inches, 24 lbs
- PRA/prcd: Clear by parentage
- OFA: Certified
- PennHip: 0.41 both
- Patella: Normal (certified)
- OFA Heart: certified Normal
- Thyroid Complete Panel:
all normal (8/13/09) - vWB: Clear by parentage

Southern Maine's Bella Luce (Luca)
Oh my gosh where do I begin? If I could create the perfect dog it would be Luca. I cannot even put into words how wonderful she is in every way. She is my daughters dog and to see the bond the two of them have it is breathtaking. Luca has never growled or shown any sign of being annoyed no matter what. Honestly if I could carbon copy this girl and patten it I would be a millionaire. She is that remarkable. I hope when she has puppies they are half as great as she is.
I feel like I need to say something negative about her.... Ok ok I have to brush her every three days. LOL but her fur is stunning so I don't mind.
- Measurements: 16 inches 21 lbs
- PRA/prcd: Clear via Parentage
- OFA: fair
- Elbows: normal
- Thyroid: Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal (certified)
- vWB: Clear via Parentage

Southern Maine's Cali Lily
Cali Lily has retired to her home in York. Were she will live a long and happy life with her human family of 4. Cali has given me three amazing litters. Her pups have always been beautiful. I look forward to her daughter Maggie taking over and producing some beauties of her own.
- Measurements: 17 1/2 inches, 27 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear by parentage
- PennHip: .60 left .55 right
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal (certified)
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: clear by parentage

Southern Maine's Hopes and Dreams (Hope)
Hope is a sweet chocolate morsel. Her hair is already starting to cafe out. Which means she has lots of tan hairs taking over her dark brown fur. Hope is a sweet fun loving dog. She lives in the same guardian home as her mother Harley. They are ying and yang. Harley is sweet, quiet and calm. Hope is loving, playful and cuddley. Hope sure keeps momma Harley young. Hope is a great little dog and her personality wins everyone over. I cannot wait for late Winter 2012 or early Spring 2014 for her first litter.
- Measurements: 16 inches 21 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Excellent
- PennHip: 80 % L.35 R.43
- Elbows: OFA Normal
- Patella: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear via Parentage

Southern Maine's Lobster Stew (Stewart)
Stewart is his Guardian Guys little buddy. They truly are what you picture when you think man and his best friend. Stewart has a very soft easy to manage coat. He is a love and loves all people and dogs. His coat is white and apricot parti and is beautiful. As far as personality, Stewart is exactly what I hoped he would be a pure gentle, lovable doodle. Who could ask for anything more.
- Measurements: 17 inches and 28 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Good
- PennHip: 70th % L.46 R.45
- Elbows: Negitive for dysplasia
- Patella: certified normal
- OFA Heart: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear via parentage

Southern Maine's Lucky Lady (Lucy)
Were do I begin. Lucy is such a love. She climbs in your lap and cuddles like a toddler. Literally rest her head on your shoulder and goes to sleep and will stay there until you kick her off. But honestly, who would do that? Lucy loves all people and animals. She is a true gentle soul. To say she is her guardian families little girl is not a lie. They have Lucy and her brother (from two of my other doodles) and they are their children and are so loved.
- Measurements: 24 lbs 16inches
- OFA: Good
- Elbows: Negative for Dysplasia
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Normal
- OFA Heart: certified normal

Southern Maine's Magnolia Blossom (Maggie)
Maggie was born on 2/13/11 to Cali Lily and Ari. She will be a wonderful addition to our breeding program. I look forward to having litters with her sometime in late 2012 or 2013, once all her testing has been completed. Thank you Carrie and Chris for providing Maggie with such a wonderful guardian home to live in.
- Measurements: 18 inches and 35 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- PennHip: 60% L.33 R.50
- Elbows: normal
- Patella: OFA certified Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Certified normal
- OFA Heart: Normal

Southern Maine's Misty River
Misty has a beautiful, soft, curly fleece coat. She is extremely intelligent and everyone loves her. She is gentle, sweet and a perfect lady.
- Measurements: 17 inches, 27 lbs
- PRA/prcd: Clear by parentage
- OFA: Certified
- PennHip: .47 left .48 right
- Patella: Normal (certified)
- Cardiac: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear by parentage

Southern Maine's Pinto Bean (Pinto)
Pinto is the daughter of our Hope and Miles. She is stunning and has a great personality. She lives with her family up North Maine. Pinto's personality is sweet with a little edge. All that means is she loves everyone and everything with all she has but will stand up for herself if pushed by a dog. This is not in a mean way just kinda I may be little but doesn't mean you can push me around. Her coat is beautiful. I could not be more pleased with her.
- Measurements: 23 lbs 16 inches
- OFA: Good
- PennHip: L.42 R.41 80%
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal (certified)
- vWB: clear thru parentage

Southern Maine's Piper
Piper is a happy girl. She loves everyone and everything, including water. Her guardian family loves her and her sister Hope. They have been long time guardians of mine with Piper being the third one they have raised.
- PRA/prcd: clear by parentage
- OFA: Fair
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: clear via parentage

Southern Maine's Ruby Red Slipper (Ruby)
Ruby is stunning in every way. She is just a complete love. Will play but will sit calmly beside you and observe whatever is going on. She is absolutely beautiful. I cannot wait for her and Raphael to have their first litter of beautiful red heads.
- PRA/prcd: Clear via parentage
- OFA: Prelim Good
- PennHip: .48L .42R
- Elbows: OFA normal
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: Clear via Parentage

Southern Maine's Shirley (Shirley)
Shirley has a combination loose curl and wave, soft fleece coat. She is the funniest dog you could ever meet. She loves to play ball off her nose and cuddle up in your lap. Shirley is fascinated with birds and will sit by the dining room window at home and watch the birds and ducks down by the pond all morning. Her guardian family loves to take her everywhere with them, she is a great companion to all.
- Measurements: 15 1/2 inches, 22 lbs
- PRA/prcd: Clear by parentage
- OFA: Certified
- PennHip: .42 left .58 right
- Patella: Normal (certified)
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: Clear by parentage
- Blood work: Blood work normal 5/8/09

Southern Maine's Sophisticated Lady (Sophia)
All testing to be done at a year. She is one of our up and coming ladies. Looking forward to her having pups in 2013.
- Measurements: 25 Lbs and 17 inches at the shoulders
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Good 11/14/12
- PennHip: .36L .36R 90th percentile
- Elbows: OFA Normal 11/14/12
- Patella: OFA Certified Normal 11/12/12
- Thyroid: OFA Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear Via parentage

Southern Maine's Spirited Lady (Moxie)
She is stunning. Moxie is a spirited lady, who loves with her whole being. She lives with her family and full brother Harley in Kennebunk.
- OFA: Good
- Elbows: OFA normal
- Patella: OFA normal
- Thyroid: OFA Normal
- OFA Heart: OFA Certified Normal 11/12/12

Southern Maine's St. Elmo's Fire
Elmo has a red wavy fleece coat. Elmo is a little prince. He is his guardian's little boy. He is pampered and absolutely loves it. Elmo is a third generation Cockerpoo that I purchased only to breed to Shirley. THis was to help soften the coat of the pups and to keep the dark red hair that we love so much. The pups that Elmo has produced for us have stayed small, their coats have stayed wavey and fairly easy to manage, with minimal fading of color.
Elmo is an absolutely wonderful dog that I feel truly blessed to have introduced into my program.
- Measurements: 14 inches and 20 lbs
- OFA: Certified
- PennHip: .63 left .50 right
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal
- OFA Heart: Normal

Southern Maine's Tootsie Roll (Tootsie)
Tootsie is a people person. If I had to give her a title it would be Royalty. She carries herself like a lady and is always prim and proper. Her puppies are exceptional and she is an amazing mom. I am so sad that she will retire in 2012.
- Measurements: 18 inches 27 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Certified Good
- PennHip: 80% L .41 R .44
- Elbows: OFA Certified Normal
- Patella: OFA Certified Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Certified Normal
- Cardiac: Normal
- vWB: Clear Via parentage

Southern Maine's Wild Flower (Daisy)
Daisy is a gem. She is sweet and soft like a Daisy. She lives with her Guardian family and her Doodle sister Cali (who was a breeder of mine). Daisy loves all people and animals, but definitely prefers to cuddle with people.
Daisy had been removed from my program due to her guardian family (who have been guardians of mine before with Cali Lily) leaving the state and moving 14 hours away without letting me know. I am heartbroken and very upset.
- Measurements: 24 lbs 16inches
- PRA/prcd: Clear via Parentage
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: Normal
- OFA Heart: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear via Parentage

Southern Maines Abigail (Abi)
Abi is 16 inches at the shoulders and 21 lbs. She has a gentle soul. Her coat is and amazing soft silky fleece. Abi is smart, loyal and loves everyone she meets.
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Good
- Elbows: Normal
- Patella: OFA certifeid Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Certified normal
- OFA Heart: Normal
- vWB: Clear via Parentage

Southern Maines Midnight Run (Harley)
Harley is a true black beauty. She walks with pride in her step and rolls on her back when you go to pet her. Harley loves all and any attention you will give her. She will submit for anyone and any animal. There is something about this girl that lights up your face when you see her. Her guardian family says Harley is pure perfection. Best we have ever had. They can't wait for her to have puppies, because they want one. Yup something about a Labradoodle makes you want more.
- Measurements: 17 inches and 25 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- PennHip: 50th% L.55 R.55
- Patella: Certified Normal
- OFA Heart: certified Normal
- vWB: Clear Via parentage

Southern Maines True Blood Sookie (Sookie)
One of our up and coming hopefuls. Sookie is an old soul in a young little body. We have nicknamed her Ditto, because she will do whatever any other dog does. It is funny to watch her copy everyone around her. If the have a toy she wants its, as soon as they don't want it neither does she. She doesn't bark unless someone else does. She only wants attention if you offer it to another. Her coat is the most amazing mahogany red and as soft as they come. She will jump in bed with you in the morning and give you nose kisses and she will curl up on your lap on her back and love the belly rub they you are sure to give her. She is the lap dog I always hoped for. Ok that picture of her the day she got a haircut is sad, but it really shows her true color.
- Measurements: 13 inches 18 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- OFA: Good
- PennHip: 50% L.55 r.54
- Elbows: Negative for Dysplasia
- Patella: Certified Normal
- OFA Heart: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear via parentage

Southern Maines Yazmen (Yaz)
Yazmen is beautiful and sweet. She loves to play with the children in her family and her neighborhood. Her guardian family is thrilled with Yazmen. As a mom Yazmen is a natural. She took right too it and never got protective of her babies. She would let anyone walk quietly into the room and look at her babies. Yazmen is a true Southern Belle.
- Measurements: 16 inches 24 lbs
- PRA/prcd: clear via parentage
- PennHip: 40th % L .57 R.54
- Elbows: OFA Certified Normal
- Patella: OFA Certified Normal
- Thyroid: OFA Certified Normal
- OFA Heart: Certified Normal
- vWB: Clear Via parentage

Southern Maine's Poppi Seed (Poppi)
Poppy is a gentle soul thru and thru. She is a love bug that loves everyone and every thing.
- OFA: Good
- Elbows: Negative
- Patella: Normal
- Thyroid: Normal